Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Staying Relaxed around Non-Relaxed People

Sometimes the negativity and unrealistic expectations of other people can derail your determination to include relaxation as a valuable part of your life. Don't let that happen. Instead, consider the following suggestions to help you to remain relaxed around non-relaxed people.

Develop an invisible shield between you and stressed folk

This is really a visualization technique, in which you imagine that you are cocooned against the negative vibes of overly stressed people around you. See their behavior and attitudes for what they are, recognize what their stress is doing to them but refuse to let this penetrate your shield.

  • Don't carry the world's weight on your shoulders – these people are making a choice to behave in this way, and you don't have to come along for the ride.

  • Delinking yourself from other's stress can be hard at first, especially if you are empathic by nature, but keep practicing until not allowing their negativity in becomes second nature.

  • Put the phone back down, shut the email folder, walk away.

    Whenever you feel like making an instantaneous reply in anger to someone who has raised your ire, don't act on it. When we feel angry and stressed, we are more likely to read sinister interpretations into our interactions and if we act on them, our self-righteous anger can be self-fulfilling when the person responds negatively. Sleep on your angry missive and practice the relaxation techniques outlined here.
    • Count to 10, put the phone down or shut your email.
    • Walk away and do something else for a while.

    Avoid toxic people.

    Spend less time with people who try to guilt you into doing things or tell you that you're not good enough. Yes, even if they're family.
    • Avoid people who are constantly complaining or miserable, aka "negaholics". Stress can be contagious, so avoid transmitters. Understand that there is always a solution to a problem, even if they don't, or won't, see that.
    • Avoid people who practice the art of woundology (and avoid practicing it yourself!). Wallowing in misery is an art form for some people. You don't need their negativity, nor their rapacious need for making the worst of every situation.

    Give Hugs.

    Go on the positive offensive and reach through to people who seem down and negative. Caring touch reduces stress and promotes relaxation. Say hello and goodbye to your friends and family members with a hug, and don't be afraid to comfort someone with a hug, or ask for a hug when you're feeling overwhelmed.

    Know when to let go of some relationships.

    If you value your relationships, as do most people, it can be challenging to realize that there are people who are just too toxic or too needy to keep in your inner circle because they sap your energy and stress you constantly. Sometimes it's best to let go, provided you do so after thinking it through carefully. Avoid being judgmental, hurtful, or blunt; just move on as you need to.

    Spend Time with people who radiate warmth and that you can truly connect with. C

    ontact with positive-thinking and joyous people broadens your capacities enormously and helps you to feel more relaxed and happy.
