Saturday, April 23, 2011

How To Enjoy Life ...

Life is not enjoyable when you've taken the wrong path and slowly lost confidence, or when you are no longer happy with yourself. If this sounds like your life, you need to fix it!

Do what you love to do... Make your goals and order your steps to achieve them. Believe in and motivate yourself. Embrace an 'I can do it,and I will do it' attitude. Things will begin to happen as you see them.

This is an amazing fact. Life is not a bed of roses, but whenever we become truly aware of this fact, we begin to feel pleasure and things begin to bring us joy with bliss.

There are some mathematical truths which reveal tremendous ways to become ones rejuvenating along travailing path of life ; we have to set some criteria where we feel comfortable to assess and live with others in pleasant manner.

Try the following: 

Learn to be positive! If you keep moaning about your life, other people will only notice the bad aspects of your character and categorize you as a person who is 'Boring' - or worse! Who wants to spend time with a wet blanket! Go to places where people are positive and support you with positive thoughts.

Be generous. A little generosity goes a long way. Give and people return the favor to you and you will be known as a generous person

Make a list of all the things you want to do and do them! If you've always wanted to audition for theater, then go ahead and do it! This will help to reduce 'hanging around' and wishing. This even applies if you want to be an astronaut : you might not effectively become one, but becoming savvy in astrophysics and space will make you realize that you're capable of it

Keep trying. One of the key things that you need to remember is to never be discouraged; failure is a part of life, and it happens naturally. If you are so disillusioned that you never want to try again, at least be comforted by the fact that you made an attempt.

Stop doing things that you do not enjoy. Make a list of the things that you are doing that you don't enjoy, and try to stop doing them. Naturally, this shouldn't mean that you should drop out of school if you don't like studying, but you might consider working for a new company if you are constantly stressed and pressured by your job. If it's not possible to stop, try to see the positive side of those things and find ways to make them entertaining. Nobody enjoys cleaning the kitchen fan or the toilet but if you do these chores with full awareness and make them into a meditation, you will be surprised how quiet your mind will become and how much happiness these chores will give you.

Find a hobby. You might take up collecting stamps or coins or you might learn more about photography or art. You don't have to spend your entire life doing it; the whole purpose of the hobby is to vary your routine and do something worthwhile.

Singing is a wonderful way to make life more enjoyable. Try to pick up some of your favorite songs and learn the lyrics by heart. When you feel bored, sing those songs and you would feel much better. Singing karaoke, taking some singing lessons or listening to music would make your life more interesting.

Limit the amount of time you spend watching TV. Enjoyment in life comes from trying and doing things yourself, not watching other people do them. Watching people swim is not the same as swimming. Watching other people hike or climb mountains is not the same as hiking or climbing mountains.
Ask questions. It's not bad to ask questions. Ask as many as you can no matter what people say or the relevance of them. Don't doubt yourself because there's a good chance somebody else is wondering the same thing.

Enjoy feeling proud. If you're proud of something be it: an essay, a new deck you built, a promotion, or a song you composed, let the sense of accomplishment uplift your mood. However, be wary of pride for it is mainly centered on yourself, whereas humility is centered around uplifting others.

Stay healthy. Make part of your life eating right and exercising because it helps keep the body running at the top of its game.

Be open to change. Changes in your job, friends, and the government. With practice you will be able to anticipate it.

List the items you want to keep. This will help you realize what you have and you are so lucky to have it.

Be confident. Always say i'll try and never say never.

Learn new things. There's always something new to learn. Read a book or learn on a computer. If you educate yourself, you won't be struggling and life will be a lot easier.

Everything returns to us as a reaction: Well, this is not any scientific theory else a nature truth, i.e., throw a ball towards a wall, it will come back you with same speed but at slightly different angle. Whenever you meet someone with smiling face, even opponent is not with pleasant mood, you’ll feel welcome attitude by the opponent.

Everything is not a Black Hole: sometimes we can’t find the best suspected result from other person even struggle a lot. All our struggles go in vain, that’s a “Black Hole” exists there, which is not reflecting anything. Don’t get worry because this is not a suitable canvas to draw anything just ignore it and step forward.

Key to open others mind: Well, really interesting point which sets your angle of success to 45 degree , a very simple notion , “ less talk but much listen” , because nature has given us one mouth but two ears ….. Wow, you’re the master whenever you find the “penetrating point” of others, how this comes? A simple experience show a unique truth, just find the others “food of interest”, what’s that? Everyone loves to talk, think and spent his time just for his “Interest”, i.e., which can be a book, a political talk, a movie, song etc. So, you must provide some “ fruit to talk”, and in return , enjoy the excited moments might be with a cup of tea/coffee or …

Nature’s Law of Repulsion: Hamm!! Mostly, People know about law of attraction and care about it, but most of the times don’t care about nature’s “Law of Repulsion”. Many times we make and break relations but ignore that loving one’s, who neither close nor away from us. There is potential barrier occurs when we ignore someone, that’s “a bitterness” in the relations which always produces repulsion. A hating attitude exits there which needs your attention. To overcome the repulsive attitude, just spent your time with your loving ones to set it cool. It breaks the repulsive potential barrier and brings the relations to pleasant atmosphere.

Never try to go in a forest, just share others: Yeah! We are created to live among other people and not supposed to stay in a forest, even in the stone ages people like to live together. Loneliness shows a depressive state of mind where one needs to be social, to participates others, it returns pleasant moments. Societies, cities, even villages looks same when we share others, but when we stay lonely, it supposed to be a forest.

A person walking on the road: Strange! It’s really strange when a person just walking on the road, suddenly, comes to us and takes part in our actives, share us, cheer us and have a cup of tea with us…, how it is possible? Only the possible strangers are your relations, not others or just walking on the roads. We have to respect our close relations and friends, who always supposed to share us, cheer us, help us.

Centered attention: Yes! Sometimes or habitually, we are in meeting with others but our attention is not focused, which ultimately loses the others care about us. This is a return of our habit/action which is directly proportional to a loss of others interest with us. Consequences are understood and its need to get ride over attention which must be centered.

Never over analyze things! Make sure to get the true beauty of the simplest things and enjoy them. It is hard but with effort and work things will come through. FIND WHAT YOU LOVE AND DO IT. Success can only occur with effort.
